Traffic accidents happen every day, but that doesn't mean every car crash is the same — each car crash is unique, including how the costs of the accident are paid.
Call Gregory E. Tonore for the knowledgeable, reliable legal representation you need to get the compensation your auto accident deserves, including medical bills, lost wages, and payment for pain and suffering.
You may be saying, "I'm insured — do I really need a car accident lawyer?" The answer is yes! The truth is, insurance companies may not be eager to pay their customers the money to which they are rightly entitled. To avoid the stress and hassle of having an insurance company deny, delay, or underpay your coverage, work personally with Mr. Tonore as he expertly navigates the complexities of the insurance process to get you every cent that you deserve.
Recovering from your auto accident starts with a FREE consultation with Gregory E. Tonore!
Auto accidents Workers' compensation
Personal injury Aviation accidents
Trucking accidents Social security
Offshore accidents 18-Wheeler accidents